
Thursday, September 26, 2013

How to Choose an Ideal Wardrobe Door?

There are many aspects to consider when choosing a proper wardrobe door. Believe it or not, the design should is not a top list factor when it comes to your ideal wardrobe door. Before being modern, fine-looking and in a total harmony with the rest of your house, it first has to be practical, safe and most importantly, it has to stand the test of time. 

The choice of wardrobe doors ranges from the standard opening types to sliding doors manufactured from a wide range of materials.

The latest trend in wardrobe doors to add a touch of elegance as well as saving space is to design a sliding door wardrobe. The benefits of these doors especially when housing designs are getting more compact due to various factors is the space saving that a sliding door wardrobe offers. The added benefit of not having unsightly hinges that either get stuck or in some cases work themselves loose over time is a great innovation.

Wardrobe doors are available in all the traditional styles and a wide range of finishes for buyers wanting to stay with opening door system for their wardrobe. Doors designed for a sliding door wardrobe are available in a wide range of materials and styles ranging from glass, mirror and solid panels to add that final touch of luxury and elegance to your design.

In choosing the ideally suited system for your sliding door wardrobe it is vital to decide what style or type of finishing you desire to compliment the décor of the area where it is situated. In certain settings, a vinyl covered sliding door wardrobe will satisfy your needs, other may require you to look at either painted doors to match the surroundings. Both these styles will however do little to enlarge an already small area. The mirror sliding door wardrobe and the frameless mirror sliding door system will however give the optical illusion of making the space larger.

Framelessmirror sliding doors is the latest trend for installation in trendy homes that compliments the look of wide open spaces without breaks and the appearance is superbly modern and contemporary. There is also a range available in opti-panel glass sliding doors in colours ranging from white to a variety of breath taking colours to match any existing décor.

The complete range of sliding door systems is equipped with quality steel fittings for the rollers as opposed to the use of plastic rollers which has a limited life span. All the materials used in the production of these high quality products are made specifically with the Australian conditions and standards in mind to ensure a long lasting solution.

So whether you decide on the solid panel sliding doors, the glass or mirror style, they will ensure a sliding door wardrobe that will complement your home whilst being functional and stylish.

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